Physics World 2021 breakthrough of year
16.12.2021. Mika Sillanpää and colleagues at Aalto University, Finland and the University of New South Wales, Australia, together with an independent team led by John Teufel and Shlomi Kotler of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), are...
Shining a HOT light on optomechanics
19.01.2021. Shining a HOT light on optomechanics. HOT is featured in IEEE Spectrum, read our article HERE . Consortium members have demonstrated a family of non-reciprocal optical devices including circulators and microwave-to-optical transducers. The image depicts...
HOT research at University of Konstanz measures squeezing in a novel way
24.06.2020 Physicists at the University of Konstanz have developed a completely new method of measuring squeezing - a potential starting point for high-precision sensor technology. Their work was published in Physical Review X. HOT PI, Prof. Eva Weig, leads the...
HOT research at AMOLF makes the cover of Nature Nanotechnology
03.02.2020 AMOLF physicists have made mechanical vibrations on a chip behave as if they were electrical currents flowing in a magnetic field. Their work made the cover of Nature Nanotechnology. HOT PI, Prof. Ewold Verhagen, who leads the Photonic Forces group at...
Quantum drum
31.10.2018. Researchers at the Schliesser Lab and the Centre for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q) from the University of Copenhagen have demonstrated a new way to address a central problem in quantum physics. The results have potential applications in ultraprecise...
‘Spooky’ quantum phenomenon
08.05.2018. Researchers at AALTO University in Finland have demonstrated one of the perplexing features of quantum mechanics at a much larger scale. Their study could open doors for potentially revolutionary technologies like quantum computers and new kinds of...
AMOLF develops a magnet-free optical circulator
04.05.2018. Researchers at AMOLF, in collaboration with the University of Texas, have created a microscale circulator that directionally routes light on an optical chip without using magnets. Their work is published in Nature Communications. HOT PI, Prof. Ewold...
HOT featured in EU-FET newsletter
30.01.2018 - Researchers forming part of the Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies consortium (H2020 FET Proactive HOT project) demonstrated magnet-less isolators and circulators for microwaves. Devices that route microwave signals are essential...
One-way track for microwaves based on mechanical interference
27.09.2017 - EPFL researchers use interference in the motion of a micrometre-size drum to route microwave signals in a single direction. Scientists at EPFL and the University of Cambridge have demonstrated a new principle for developing tools...
Nanoscale motion sends light into overdrive
07.07.2017 - AMOLF researchers have developed nanoscale strings whose motion can be converted to light signals with unprecedented strength. This could allow for extremely precise sensors and comes with an important side-effect. “Analogous to a guitar amplifier in...
HOT 2020 annual meeting
19 - 23 Jan 2020. The 3rd and last Annual Conference of all HOT members in Saanen, Switzerland. The annual conference brings together members of the OMT and HOT consortia, two H2020 funded projects coordinated by EPFL and consisting of research groups from academia...
HOT2019 Network Conference
7 - 11 July 2019 - HOT2019 covered the broader field of Quantum Science and Technology, including hybrid quantum systems, quantum measurements, quantum interfaces, atomic, microwave and optical approaches to opto- and electro-mechanics. It brought together...
HOT at ICT2018
04.12.2018. HOT teams up with PHENOMEN, a FET-OPEN project, at the ICT2018 Exhibition in Vienna, Austria. The event was organised by the European Commission that showcased the accomplishments and pioneering results of research & innovation projects funded by the...
HOT 2019 annual meeting
20 - 24 Jan 2019 - 2nd Annual Conference of all HOT members in Gstaad-Saanen, Switzerland. The annual conference brings together members of the OMT and HOT consortia, two H2020 funded projects coordinated by EPFL and consisting of research groups from academia and...
HOT 2018 annual meeting
14-18th Jan 2018 - Annual conference of all HOT members in Gstaad-Saanen, Switzerland. The annual conference brings together members of the OMT and HOT consortia, two H2020 funded projects coordinated by EPFL and consisting of research groups from academia and...
FCQO18 organized by IST Austria
12-14 Feb 2018 - The International Conference on Frontiers of Circuit QED and Optomechanics 2018 was held at Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria). The conference was chaired by Dr. Shabir Barzanjeh and Prof. Johannes Fink from the Quantum...
Lighting up the House
Art installation premiered at Malta’s European Researchers’ Night
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